How business analyst’s lose weight and stay in shape with a busy schedual.

The Fat Decimator System


As an business analyst’s you are constantly on the go.

When a business needs to solve a current or future problem it’s a business analyst’s job to help facilitate a solution.

Mainly we help by working with stakeholders to define their business needs and extract their requirements for what must be delivered. More commonly on a time constraint. We gather the business’ required conditions and capabilities, documenting them in a consistent, complete and, above all, useful way for the team that will eventually design and deliver the solution. But we dont always have all the answers. How do we find a solution to find the time to exercise with always being on call. Well i have simplified a way for us to lose weight without having to dedicate more time out of our day into doing so. In fact. Doing what ive done has helped me gain more time.

The Fat Decimator System

How do I gain more time but also lose weight?

Intermittent fasting has played a huge part in my abbility to save time and lose weight quickly. Not eating my first meal until after 2pm I save time i would have spent preparing meals during the most productive times of the day. Learn the basics of what you need to know about intermittent fasting  from this article.

Its hard to figure out which one is right for you. In my experience its never fun counting calories, eating bland foods, or if youre into weight lifting, spending all your time planning meals and eating. I own my own business and am a full time single dad and i dont have time for anything extra.

That is what lead me to pursue intermittent fasting. Ever since i started fasting 16 hours and eating my meals in an 8hour window not only have i been able to see a dramatic increase in muscle gain, ive also cut fat in record time. I have better mentle clarity and im able to focus on tasks unlike ever before.

Intermittent fasting is not a diet, it’s a pattern of eating. It’s a way of scheduling your meals so that you get the most out of them. Intermittent fasting doesn’t change what you eat, it changes when you eat.

Why is it beneficial  to focus on when you’re eating?

Well, it’s a great way to get lean without going on a crazy diet or cutting your calories down to nothing. In fact, most of the time you’ll try to keep your calories the same when you start intermittent fasting. (eat bigger meals during a shorter time frame.) Additionally, intermittent fasting is a good way to keep muscle mass on while getting lean. I’m big on simplicity, and reducing stress. Intermittent fasting provides additional simplicity to my life that I really enjoy. When I wake up, I don’t worry about breakfast. I just grab a glass of water then usually a dark black cup of joe and start my day.

The Red Tea Detox

With intermittent fasting your body burns calories much faster than usual so a quick HIIT workout is plenty of cardio to lose fat and still gain lean muscle. Hiit stands for high intensity interval training.

HIIT: High-Intensity Interval Training workouts are shorter, more challenging, and unleash a host of fat burning hormonal changes from the inside out that allows you to cut your training time in half.

By combining HIIT workouts with Functional Training (FT) and Cardio-Strength Training (CST) exercises, your body can safely progress from zero to 60 without injury or too much muscle soreness which are two of the main reasons why people quit training.

No Gym Necessary: With either your own bodyweight or minimal equipment, you can do the workouts at home or on the road…no gym, no excuses!

Trend Mystery

If you are stuck in a chair all day like i know a lot of you are. This exercise ball office chair is great to keep posture, strengthen your core and its more enjoyable to bounce in place than to sink into a dingy office chair in general.
The Fat Decimator System
physiotherapy-595529__340 I have used this chair and they are actually pretty comfortable.

For nutrient replacement on the go to ad to your health I recommend Alkamind. Not only are these great products the education is priceless. Get off your acid is a terrific guide for if you want to lower your body’s acidity .Get-Off-Your-Acid-Book-_-800px-v1-_-Alkamind-Grid-Sizes_720x.png it is an incredible superfood that aids in the alkilizing of your body which also leads to weightloss.

Fight Inflammation & Optimize Brain Health with the Purest and Most Concentrated Omega-3 Fish Oil!

Sleep Better & Crush Acid Reflux with your 4 Most Crucial Alkaline Minerals.CITRUS_front_view_720x

Keeping hydrated and high alkaline low acidity is also very important when it comes to healthy weightloss. The more dehydrated you are the more your body stores water.

Drinking the right kind of water is a key component to maintaining a healthy body weight. Healthy hydration, or drinking highly ionized water, known as Kangen™ water restores your body to a more alkaline state, optimizing overall health as well as enhancing the body’s ability to eliminate acids, which automatically assists in weight loss.

Hydrogen stimulates gastric leptin and ghrelin, hormones in the body that regulate fat storage, energy, and a number of other metabolic functions. Regular water usage on its own promotes hydration and gastrointestinal tract cleansing, but ingesting water infused with hydrogen can support better digestion as well as help with the breakdown of unwanted fat. This waterbottle is a water bottle for anywhere use, Alkaline water ionizer.

Read more about this wayer ionizer and the benefits of alkaline water here

I hope this was short simple and easy. I wish you luck in your fitness goals and look forward in helping the world become the best us we can be.

The Fat Decimator System