Pancreas health, how to prevent pancreatic cancer.

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Whats up with the pancreas?


The pancreas is about 6 inches long and sits across the back of the abdomen, behind the stomach. The head of the pancreas is on the right side of the abdomen and is connected to the duodenum (the first section of the small intestine) through a small tube called the pancreatic duct. It plays an essential role in converting the food we eat into fuel for the body’s cells. The pancreas has two main functions: an exocrine function that helps in digestion and an endocrine function that regulates blood sugar. The pancreas produces 2 antagonistic hormones to control blood sugar: glucagon and insulin.

The alpha cells of the pancreas produce glucagon. Glucagon raises blood glucose levels by stimulating the liver to metabolize glycogen into glucose molecules and to release glucose into the blood. Glycogen is a substance deposited in bodily tissues as a store of carbohydrates.

It is a polysaccharide that forms glucose on hydrolysis. Almost all of the pancreas (95%) consists of exocrine tissue that produces pancreatic enzymes for digestion. The remaining tissue consists of endocrine cells called islets of Langerhans. These clusters of cells look like grapes and produce hormones that regulate blood sugar and regulate pancreatic secretions. A healthy pancreas produces the correct chemicals in the proper quantities, at the right times, to digest the foods we eat.

A  pancreas thats deseased.


Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas that occurs when pancreatic enzyme secretions build up and begin to digest the organ itself. It can occur as acute painful attacks lasting a matter of days, or it may be a chronic condition that progresses over a period of years. I have dealt with pancreatitis on numerous occasion. I had bouts of pancreatitis that led me into the hospital. It is incredibly painful and can last days. Symptoms include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite.

Acute vs. Chronic Pancreatitis

Acute pancreatitis refers to pancreatitis that develops suddenly, most often as a result of gallstones or alcohol abuse. Reactions to certain medications, trauma, and infectious causes can also lead to acute pancreatitis. Acute pancreatitis can be life threatening, but most patients recover completely.

Chronic pancreatitis refers to ongoing disease in which the pancreas continues to sustain damage and lose function over time. The majority of cases of chronic pancreatitis is a result from ongoing alcohol abuse, but some cases are hereditary or due to diseases such as cystic fibrosis.

What type of foods help with the health of your pancreas?

There are 3 things that are specifically  good for the pancreas.  Extra virgin coconut oil, cayenne, and Cinnamon.  First, you are going to need something that will try to improve the functions of the pancreas  Cinnamon is your answer for this. Next, you need a way of keeping in place the improvements of the cinnamon. To do this, the improvements need to be fueled. Cayenne does this by causing the body to produce a thousand times more capillaries than it normally would. So anytime a healthy cell is produced that improves the function of the pancreas, it will need food/oxygen from the new capillaries that are created. The new, well fed cell then needs strong communications with the rest of the cell structure and beyond that to the entire organ. What Extra Virgin Coconut Oil does is build and rebuild nerves and nerve fibers throughout the body. It has already been proven successful in correcting or helping with MS, Alzheimer’s, and dementia.

Anywhere in the body that nerves need to be created or repaired only the Extra Virgin Coconut Oil will do it. You can get capsules of Cinnamon at just about any health food store–if not, get raw cinnamon and number zero capsules and fill them your self. If you do not have an actual pancreas problem, one number zero capsule of cinnamon every three days is appropriate. If you do have a problem with your pancreas , then one or two a day is going to be what you want to take. Do not buy the cinnamon from a bulk store or grocery store. It is not very pure. At any health foods store you can get 500 mg capsules of Cayenne. I get my supplements usually from GNC, they have the best cayenne. Cayenne has been shown to improve circulation and cure neuropathy, gout, edema, PAD and similar restricted blood flow problems. Take the cayenne with a meal and drink plenty of water. If you get a warm feeling in your tummy, drink more water and it will go away. If you have any kind of stomach disorder, the cayenne will likely cure the problem but never make it worse. Any good health foods store will carry Extra Virgin Coconut Oil in various sizes. A pint will cost no more than about $20 and last a very long time. The Oil only stays in the body for 8 hours before it is matabolized. Therefore, if you have a nerve disorder of any type you need to take two-three teaspoons every eight hours. If just for general maintenance of your nerve system, then every three days take one tablespoon. You can mix it with cerial or take directly. When you buy coconut oil it has to be Extra Virgin, meaning it is all natural cold compressed, Otherwise the benefits are not as powerfull.

Those are the main 3 components to a healthier pancreas, but what are some others? and specifically what are some vegetables that help prevent pancreatic cancer.



This green cruciferous vegetable is a superfood that is great for keeping the pancreas fit and disease-free. It is mainly known for reducing the risk of pancreatic cancer, on account of having high quantities of quercetin, a potent flavonol that is very healthy. Flavonols help fight cancer in many ways and thus need be an essential part of one’s diet; they fortify the body’s detoxification mechanism, flushing out carcinogenic substances from the body; they also prevent the growth and division of cancer cells, and even propel the latter into self-destruction. Your body will benefit significantly from flavonol-rich foods, and quercetin-rich broccoli is unusually high for maintaining a healthy pancreas. Broccoli also lowers estrogen production and increases the production of testosterone which can be helpful in many ways for both men and women.


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Garlic is a vegetable of the allium species which boasts of many health benefits and nutritional qualities. Concerning the pancreas, garlic consumption is believed to prevent cancerous tumors since it contains sulfur, flavonoids, arginine, selenium, and oligosaccharides which are all carcinogen-fighting micronutrients. Garlic also aids the efficiency of the pancreatic digestive function by ensuring that controlled regulated release of insulin. Garlic allows for an increase in insulin production and a decrease in blood sugar levels. Thus, consuming it will help keep the pancreas in optimal condition. Since eating raw garlic is unappealing for most normal people, it may be taken chopped up with water or even grated in honey overnight.

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Anyone who is experiencing pancreatitis are encouraged to add spinach to their diet. Spinach contains Vitamin B and iron, both of which are required to lessen the inflammation of the pancreas and aid in healing. However, preparations with spinach are not well-liked by many so other vitamin-rich leafy greens such as kale, Swiss chard and mustard may also be considered. For those experiencing chronic pancreatitis, one portion of the average meal is recommended to comprise of spinach or other alternatives mentioned, every day. You may add it to your normal meals as fillings in sauces, curries, soups and many other ways. I eat 7cups of spinach a day. I hide it in eggs thinly sliced and you cant even taste it. Also i blend it into my berry shakes in the morning. A whole cup can just dissapear into your shakes like this without having to chomp down a bunch of squeeky leaves.

Taking care of your Pancreas is essential for digestion and as ive said in my other articles, all health starts at the gut. If your stomach isnt able to digest the essential vitamins and minerals from the healthy foods you eat than what is the point in eating them? The pancreas is an often ignored organ. Make sure you take good care of it. I hope this helped and i look forward to continuing the journey to become the BEST us we can be.

A short explination of what a normal schedual day looks like fasting For begginers.

20181108_154343.jpgGood morning.

For the sake of this article you just woke up. You feel hungry but you just started intermittent fasting and you cant eat for another 6hours. Whats the first thing youre going to want to consume? Well since you cant have any calories because that will break your fast, but you really want to curb that hunger feeling.

I start my day of with an 8ounce glass of braggs applecider vinegar and pink Himalayan sea salt.

71elSOHQxnL._SX522_.jpg A lot of the time that hungry feeling we get isnt our body needing food. Actually its your body telling you that you are lacking certain minerals , often those minerals are potassium and sodium. Apple cider vinager is loaded with potassium but you dont want to over do it. Two table spoons in an 8ounce glass is plenty. And maybe sprinkle the salt a little. Makes for a healthy mineral enriched, thirst and hunger quencher first thing in the morning. its zero calories so it wont break your fast.

Applecider vinegar also aids in digestion which in some studies has shown also aids in weightloss. This mixture leaves you feeling like you just had saline fluids pumped into your veins.

If you are anything like me you like a cup of coffee in the morning. While coffee is great for energy it promotes the release of both sodium and potassium so make sure you moderate your intake or make up for the loss of minerals by supplementing them. I get my vitamins and minerals from

Caffine is the most commonly used nootropic that has a wide variety of benefits. Drinking coffee can improve circulation, be great for your heart, keep you mentally sharp and it can even aid things in the body such as hair growth.

some of the health benefits of coffee extend to the hair, mind, body and skin. If you fast like i do though just make sure you leave out the cream and sugar. I reccomend doing that anyway since dairy and sugar both have a significant amount of cons that outweigh the benefit of flavor. I drink it black. The darker the better for me.

If youre busy and need a boost of energy on the go hit walmart or an ampm for a cup of joe to go (2).jpeg#fasting #intermittentfasting #wellness #coldbrew #healthy

After that it’s smooth sailin until you break your fast. I drink coffee and water all day but i dont recommend it if you’re sensitive to caffeine.

Green tea is a good substitute since it also jelps with weight loss and burning fat.

Like anything else, balance and moderation is the key to success. So since you have your morning and afternoon schedual free of preparing meals or worrying about what to eat you are free to go to work, go on a hike. Jump right into your workout. Wether it be at golds gym or 24hr fitness or at the park. I tend to work out a lot at the park because i have two kids and they love the park.

My oldest is into fitness like i am, so its exciting to watch her strive to be better than before.

I prefer to do my lifting an hour before i break my fast. some studies suggest that you benefit more from the fat burning benefits of fasting if you workout early into your fast. lhtqjazuprq-breather.jpg

Its time. 2:00 for me. Time to bust out the mct oil.

I break my fast with mct oil to get my body into full ketogenic mode and start burning that fat. Then i eat a fiber and fat rich salad and take my vitamins and nootropics. I take fish oil. Bcaa amino acids lysine. Acetyle l carnetine, NAC  and a few others i fully explain in my blog about nootropics.

BCAAs stands for “Branched-Chain Amino Acids.”

Just knowing full name of BCAAs tells us quite a bit about what those supplement bottles contain: amino acids. Less mysterious already, right?

Specifically, this group of amino acids includes leucine, isoleucine.and valine.

These three “proteinogenic” BCAAs account for 35% of the essential amino acids in muscle proteins, and are among the nine essential amino acids for humans.

Like all amino acids, BCAAs provide your body with the raw materials needed to accomplish a host of different vital processes.

L-Lysine, is one of the building blocks of protein.

This compound is essential for maintaining a healthy body and keeping its systems functioning at an optimum level. You dont want to neglect this one if youre building muscle.

Lysine deficiency can lead to fatigue, hair loss, muscle soreness, and a decreased immune system. It is also necessary for your body to repair itself and function smoothly.

Increasing the amount of Lysine you consume – whether through supplements or changing your diet – may improve the symptoms of several chronic conditions, and make others less severe.

I take lots of supplements but all natural. I also use cbd oil for inflammation. The rest of the day until ten. I eat what ever i want. Still keeping bread and pasta to a minimum because im trying to see these muscles i work so hard for.

Some magnesium and melatonin before bed with a glass of water and thats it for food or calories of any kind until 16 hours later. That’s it. If you have any questions since im sure i left some things out. Feel free to ask a question or comment. Give feed back. And i hope everyone is successful in becoming the best you can be.