How to reverse and cure cancer naturally without chemo.

How did it get there in the first place?cancer-101-s1-what-is-cancer-cell.jpg

Scientific research over the past quarter century has lead to the discovery of the causes of cancer.

Mutations are the cause of cancer. There are numerous articles on the potential causes of cancer, however these are the main circumstances.

  • Random errors occur everytime a cell devides and copies a cell to make new cells. This happens millions of times a day. Cancer comes into play when this process effects a good gene.
  • Environmental. Most people add to these mutations with their behavior. Examplea of this would be smoking, laying in the direct sun or using unsafe skin products.
  • Genetic inheritance. Lets use football as an example.  While passing a ball down the field during a game there are going to be errors. They are an inevitable consequence of the game. Just the same as mutations happening when the cells devide.
  • Behavior, playing football after a night of drinking will cause more errors, just like certain behaviors cause more mutations when cells devide. An inherent factor would belike having the same crappy coach on the team but keep switching out the players.

So what are some behaviors and environmental factors to avoid?



Obesity is a huge contributor to cancer, right next to smoking. Why does obesity cause cancer?

Well it is because fat is active throughout the body causing deficiencies of important things that make the body run properly. Like growth hormone, sex hormone and causes inflimation. All these things lead to rapid cell division which increase probability of cell mutations.

The more obese and the more time being obese the more chances you have to catch cancer.



This is actually what sparked my reasoning for this artical. Someone near and dear to me is in prestage cervical cancer from hpv. HPV or Human Papaloma Virus, mostly linked to cervical cancer and women.

There are 140 different types of HPV. Some are low risk and some are high risk. The high risk hpv are known to cause almost all cervical cancer.  Studies show 50 percent of all men have hpv. It puts us at greater risk of having cancer as well.

Recent studies have shown that head and neck cancer in men can be associated with HPV. 2/3 of tounge and tonsil cancers are caused by hpv. slide014.gif

The real issue is, as earthlings we are constantly exposed to carcinogens in our daily life. Whether it be from pollution, tainted water, plastic secretions, sexually transmitted diseases or our nutrition and diet and hundreds of other things.

Knowing that what we do and consume is a large contributing factor, why dont we pull our heads out of… ill just say a hole in the ground, and do something about it.


What can i do to reverse the growth of cancer?

The fact of the matter is Big pharma is the opposite direction you are going to want to look if you want the truth about a cure. Also anyone telling you they can cure cancer but making you buy a book or program first is an asshole and obviously doesnt have your best interest on mind. In saying that i would also like to say that science has shown time and time again that Cancer can not live in an alkaline environment.

So what does that mean? Basically what that means is that cancer prefers a high acidity level.


This means that controlling ones pH is essential in the proccess of ridding the body of cancer. What kinds of foods or activities lower your acidity and raise your ph?

There are a ton of products out there that aid in ridding tje body of cancer which i will get to in a moment but ill start here with Nutrition.

Choosing an alkaline diet is actually quite simple. SO I DONT WANT TO HEAR ANY EXCUSES!

Start with eating 70% Alkaline foods such as vegetables and legumes. ( peanuts, almonds broccoli, spinach, sunflower seads,ect) 30% acidic foods such as meat and carbs. By carbs i mean proccessed carbohydrates. Fruits are good for you. But just eating fruits isnt. Here is a good start.

1. Eat green
Fresh fruit, vegetables, roots, nuts and legumes are alkalizing to the body, so increase the amount of fruits and vegetables you eat. Aim to have some at every meal and make vegetables the focus rather than meat or grains. Reach for dark or dark green such as beetroot, avocado, broccoli, spinach, kale, peas, beans and cucumber.

2. Reduce acidic foods
You don’t have to cut them out altogether but try and limit your intake of meats, eggs, refined sugar, white flour and dairy. You ever wonder why sugar is white and flour is white when neitjer one are derived from its natural scource that color? Bleach!

3. Limit alcohol consumption
Most alcoholic beverages have a high sugar content and are highly acidic. You don’t have to cut it out altogether if you enjoy the occasional beer or glass of wine, but be aware of what you are drinking.


I cant stress this one enough. How do you expect to be healthy if you dont get off your butt and break a sweat?  Exercise reduces acid in the body by giving it an exsit through our pores through sweating. Also it helps oxiginate the blood in your body in turn alkilizing it.

5.Reduce stress

Stress raises acidity in your body and contributes to build up of acid. Spend time meditating or if that sounds to hippy for you sit in a room and clear your mind of thought and focus on breathing. Yoga helps with this as well as increases mobility and flexibility. Exercise also reduces stress and helps the immune system.

6. Drink Alkaline Water!

I reccomend at least 8 to ten glasses a day. Society has given us too many unhealthy beverage option on the go. If you are pre cancer and drinking anything more than drinking alkaline water you either dont believe me or scientists who built their education around preventing cancer. Or you just dont care. Otherwise youre incapable of making intelligent decisions and do us all a favor and find an island to spend the rest of your years on. In looking for a ph level strive for 7 to 9. While most tap water is around 6 Alkaline water is usually around 9. Which does much better at reducing the amount of acidity in the body.

There are other benifits of an Alkaline diet such as weightloss, higher energy level and a lowered risk of type 2 diabetes, improves the health of your bones and reduces cramps caused by a high acidity level.

Home remedies and natural medicine.

When it comes to home remedies there is a lot of debate. I say why debate something that you can prove? So if you find a potential cure that has no harmfull effects and is inexpensive i suggeat giving it a go. What can it hurt? In saying that. Try these.


Pretty heavy statement made by Dr Simonchini. But you dont have to take his word for it. For less than 5 bucks you can test it yourself.

You only have your LIFE to gain.


Being a powerful anti-oxidant, turmeric can protect cells from getting damaged. Turmeric is now being used as a complementary therapy with conventional cancer treatment.

Laboratory tests have found that turmeric interferes with many critical molecular pathways that cause the growth and spread of cancer. Recent studies have concentrated on the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric and if this could help with the prevention and treatment of cancer.

Intermittent fasting.

I know it seems coincidental that i have other articals on intermittent fasting. Its just because it is amazing for so many different reasons. A big one is that it aids the immune system and helps shed fat unlike anything else. I would dive deaper into fasting bit i already wrote a blog. Feel free to reference it.


Also reference my CBD blog.

I’m positive i am leaving some things out. Like applecider vinegar, frankencence oil, and the Gerson therapy. I just believe this information is all you will need to start ridding your body of cancer and if youre reading this article it is safe to assume its not your first and i am not trying to make your search for a cure repetitive.

I wish you luck in your journey to health and happiness and being the best you that you can be.



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